Saturday, November 11, 2023

Jeffrey of Nazareth: Ch. 12

I said, Oh my God. Babe. Karen! You’ll never guess who I just had a dream about?! Do you remember. By any chance do you, um, remember that documentary on the. What’s it called? The Ancient Olympics that we watched last year? She said, No, David. Sorry. Wrong girl! I said, C’monnnn. Karen. Can we not do this right now? I literally just woke up. The Michael Jordan guy? You remember! Number twenty three? The Bull people? Yeah I had the most vivid dream about one of his contemporaries. It was so surreal. I literally felt like I was him. I actually feel like I’m still him right now. It was so crazy. I was black! But I was gay? Oh yeah! Kurt was there too! It was hilarious! Karen said, Ew. I said, Whatever Karen, You know something? You don’t appreciate dreams. You know that? Karen said, Sorry David. I’m just kind of busy. You know. Planning a wedding! I said, Have you ever considered the theory that dreams are in fact portals to other worlds Karen? I actually believe that. Crazier things are possible you know. But no. I’m happy we’re finally getting married too. You’re my special fiancee? Karen said, I know babe. I am! I love you. I’m sorry. I was mean wasn’t I? I said, It’s ok honey. No. I get it. She said, It’s just. You know. You wake up. You’re yelling. You’re gay. You’re black. It’s a lot! I said, I know honey. I’m sorry. That was crazy of me. Having gay black dreams you know? Who am I? You wanna grab some espressos over at New Harvest over in District XL7650-----x? She said, Really babe? You’d take me there? I said, You know I would. Are you familiar. Does the name Paul Volcker mean anything to you?

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